NOW AVAILABLE. A brand new publication by T.L. Fraser on self mastery & relationships. Body Connection explores the attainment of self mastery via a new, unique connection method referred to as the 4-4-4 connection. This self-mastery method examines the development and relationship of the four selves: self-concept, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-disclosure in tandem with the development of the four lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and etheric, along with its connection to the four quadrants of matter: earth, water, air, and fire, all under the governance of spiritual and cosmic law. The idea is that you can achieve self mastery, by first discovering self, then examining your unique relationship and connection to all energies within the universe. Applying simple, useful and practical techniques to daily living and in relationships will enable you to harness and utilize the power and abilities you possess for the betterment of yourself and all humanity. Visit and read excerpts.
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